These are all pictures of moments that I snapped over this past year. They are things that matter to me, that I love, or that I've enjoyed. Some are superficial, some are more personal and important. I could have put a hundred little thumbnails up here but there just wasn't room.
Here is an explanation of the ones I chose and why:

3. My newest nail polish called "Olive", purchased at Forever 21. I love the color and I also love nail polish. I can't remember the last time I went a day with bare nails. It's a staple to my wardrobe and as silly as it sounds it's my favorite accessory. You should've seen my nails for Rock on the Range ;)

4. A close-up of me sewing on my sewing machine. I am very novice at sewing but I'm learning and practicing all the time. I absolutely love making new things or revamping old things, and my sewing machine is my best friend during these times.

5. A stack of books on a shelf in my living room. I purchased almost all of them at an antique mall and they are mostly for looks, but I am an avid reader. I read whenever I can and I am always looking for new books to read. I also sort of collect books. I never borrow or rent them because I like to own them. My dream is to one day open a used bookstore.
6. A photo of my backyard taken just several weeks ago. The leaves were just starting to change and it was really beautiful. We have a narrow but long yard, fenced in by a board rail fence that my husband built, installed, and stained all himself (with the help of his dad). We also have a gorgeous patio that my husband and father-in-law put in themselves and landscaping that we worked on together. I love my backyard, it's my own little sanctuary. There is a really pretty Dogwood tree in the corner of the fence with a bench under it where I love to sit and read when the weather is nice.
7. A nighttime view of Cincinnati from the Purple People Bridge. I live near the Kentucky/Ohio border. A good friend of mine does a lot of modeling and they had a fashion show right on the bridge this summer. It was very neat and so pretty when it got dark and everything was all lit up.
8. A pair of tennis shoes that I blogged about recently. I painted them to look like wingtips using fabric paint. I am pretty proud of them, but that isn't why I put up the photo. I just thought it was a good example of some of the other crafty things I enjoy besides sewing. I enjoy crafting of ALL sorts.

9. My tiny precious little Lady. She is sitting in my lap at the table like a human. She's a 5yr old Yorkie-Malti-Poo and weighs in at a whopping 3 1/2lbs. She is super spunky and completely rules the house.

10. My lil buddy Presley. He's our other "child". He's about 15lbs and would be classified as a Miniature Poodle, based on his height (I think). He was sold to us as a Toy, but even as the runt he grew to be about twice the size of a Toy, but not nearly as large as a Standard. He has the best personality in the world. So gentle and sweet, and playful. He is a bit of a mama's boy though and wants my undivided attention at all times. Even as I type this he is sitting at my feet staring up at me.

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